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Learning and Development Initiatives Earn CNO Financial a LearningElite Silver Award
November 2023

CNO is proud to be recognized by Chief Learning Officer (CLO) as a 2023 Silver LearningElite winner for providing our associates and sales professionals with a high level of learning and development to meet the evolving needs of our marketplace. Our ranking from CLO was 15th overall.

CNO was recognized for scores in five key performance areas CLO identifies as critical to learning and development: learning strategy, leadership commitment, learning execution, learning impact and business performance results.

“We are proud of our ability to develop high-quality, award-winning training to support the mission of CNO,” said Brian Wilson, vice president, Enterprise Field Recruiting and Development. “Providing education and training to our leaders and associates is a key reason for our success in meeting our purpose to secure the future of middle-income America.”

Organizations are scored and ranked based on scores relative to CLO’s established benchmark. This recognition, the sixth year in a row we’ve been honored by CLO, is a testament to our commitment to providing these award-winning trainings.

Enterprise Field Development (EFD), Instructional Designers, our Learning Team, as well as other key team members, have worked diligently to create innovative and effective programs designed to empower our sales force, enhance their skills and contribute to our overall success.

CLO acknowledged CNO for its focus on strategy, talent pipeline, development, and technology. One of those key initiatives, the Personal Referral Program (PRP), highlights successful approaches in identifying personal referrals and effective ways to discuss the opportunities available in becoming an insurance professional. This is accomplished by providing extensive training and certifications to increase agents’ technical knowledge, sales and leadership skills and, as a result, can have a positive impact on production and retention.

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